In preparing for the next steps at Fishermans Bend the Department of Transport and Planning has developed a draft Montague Precinct Implementation Plan and draft Fishermans Bend Urban Renewal Area Development Contributions Plan, are now open for public feedback.
The Montague Precinct Implementation Plan includes a conceptual detail around the proposed approach to:
- place creation and activation
- laneways and character
- local streets and parks
- economy and activity
- connections and gateways
- infrastructure delivery principles and delivery packages, and
- future policy work.
The Fishermans Bend Urban Renewal Area Development Contributions Plan sets out a funding approach to deliver over $2.65 billion of essential precinct infrastructure across Fishermans Bend to 2055 and how development will contribute towards these costs. The DCP:
- Includes key open spaces, establishing the local road network, major drainage infrastructure, and key community hubs in each municipality.
- Prioritises funding for over 120 infrastructure projects across Fishermans Bend over three phases to 2055.
- Is supported by Draft supporting planning controls which also propose to introduce development incentives to support delivery of open space.
- Will replace the existing ‘interim’ development contribution arrangements that have been in place since 2015, providing greater certainty and transparency regarding infrastructure funding and delivery.
To learn more about the Montague Precinct Implementation Plan and Fishermans Bend Urban Renewal Area Development Contributions Plan and to have your say visit Engage Victoria.
Public submissions are invited by 5pm Friday 23 February 2024.
DTP will review and consider feedback received. As part of this process, DTP may contact submitters to discuss the feedback.
Submissions on the Draft DCP may be referred to the Precincts Standing Advisory Committee for advice indicative dates have been reserved for a Directions Hearing in April 2024 and Hearings in May/June 2024.
Page last updated: 04/12/23